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Victims of far-right violence.

This index of people killed by state or far-right violence does not claim to be complete. It is obvious that there are more unknow cases. Currently listed are 161 victims.

Filters: | Results: 161

Abdurrahim Özüdoğru

June 13, 2001
Abdurrahim Özüdoğru

Abdurrahim Özüdoğru, the second known victim of the NSU, was shot dead in his tailor shop on 13.06.2021

Agostinho Comboio

June 16, 1991
Agostinho Comboio

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Ahmet Sarlak

August 09, 2002
Ahmet Sarlak

Ahmet Sarlak was stabbed to death by a neo-Nazi at the Salt Creek Festival on August 9, 2002.

Alberto Adriano

June 10, 2000
Alberto Adriano

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Aleksander Schleicher

December 19, 2003
Aleksander Schleicher

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Alexander Selchow

January 01, 1991
Alexander Selchow

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Alexander W.

September 18, 2021
Alexander W.

Alex W. wurde bei seiner Arbeit in einer Tankstelle erschossen, nachdem er einen Kunden auf die geltende Maskenpflicht hinwies.

Alexandra Rousi

October 14, 1994
Alexandra Rousi

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Alfred Salomon

November 21, 1992
Alfred Salomon

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Alia Nickel

October 07, 2003
Alia Nickel

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Amed Ahmad

September 17, 2018
Amed Ahmad

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André K.

May 26, 2011
André K.

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Andrea B.

October 27, 2012
Andrea B.

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Andres Oertel

March 20, 2003
Andres Oertel

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Andreas Pietrzak

May 06, 2006
Andreas Pietrzak

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Andrzej Frątczak

October 07, 1990
Andrzej Frątczak

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Armela Segashi

July 22, 2016
Armela Segashi

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Ayşe Yilmaz

November 23, 1992
Ayşe Yilmaz

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Bahide Arslan

November 23, 1992
Bahide Arslan

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Belaid Baylal

November 04, 2000
Belaid Baylal

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Bernd Köhler

July 22, 2008
Bernd Köhler

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Bernd Schmidt

January 31, 2000
Bernd Schmidt

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Blanka Zmigrod

February 23, 1992
Blanka Zmigrod

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Bruno Kappi

December 15, 1992
Bruno Kappi

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Can Leyla

July 22, 2016
Can Leyla

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Carlos Fernando

August 15, 1999
Carlos Fernando

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Charles Werabe

October 23, 2014
Charles Werabe

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Christian Sonnemann

December 08, 2017
Christian Sonnemann

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Chrisopher W.

April 18, 2018
Chrisopher W.

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Daniel Ernst

October 19, 2016
Daniel Ernst

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Daniela Peyerl

November 01, 1999
Daniela Peyerl

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Dieter Eich

May 25, 2000
Dieter Eich

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Dieter Klaus Klein

August 01, 1992
Dieter Klaus Klein

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Dieter Manzke

August 09, 2001
Dieter Manzke

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Dijamant Zabergja

July 22, 2016
Dijamant Zabergja

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Doris Botts

August 17, 2001
Doris Botts

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Dragomir Christinel

March 14, 1992
Dragomir Christinel

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Eckhard Rütz

November 25, 2000
Eckhard Rütz

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Egon Effertz

March 17, 1999
Egon Effertz

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Emil Wendland

June 01, 1992
Emil Wendland

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Enrico Schreiber

March 29, 2003
Enrico Schreiber

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Enver Şimşek

September 09, 2000
Enver Şimşek

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Erich Bosse

April 04, 1992
Erich Bosse

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Eugeni Botnari

September 17, 2016
Eugeni Botnari

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Falko Lüdtke

May 31, 2000
Falko Lüdtke

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Farid Gouendoul

February 13, 1999
Farid Gouendoul

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Fatih Saraçoğlu

February 19, 2020
Fatih Saraçoğlu

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Ferhat Unvar

February 19, 2020
Ferhat Unvar

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Frank Bönisch

August 24, 1992
Frank Bönisch

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Frank Bönisch

February 08, 1997
Frank Bönisch

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Friedrich Maßling

March 29, 1993
Friedrich Maßling

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Gerd Himmstädt

December 03, 1991
Gerd Himmstädt

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Gerhard Fischhöder

July 10, 2003
Gerhard Fischhöder

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Gökhan Gültekin

February 19, 2020
Gökhan Gültekin

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Giuliano Josef Kollmann

July 22, 2016
Giuliano Josef Kollmann

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Gülüstan Öztürk

May 29, 1992
Gülüstan Öztürk

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Günter Schwannecke

September 05, 1992
Günter Schwannecke

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Gürsün İnce

May 29, 1992
Gürsün İnce

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Gustav Schneeclaus

March 22, 1992
Gustav Schneeclaus

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Habil Kılıç

August 29, 2001
Habil Kılıç

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Halit Yozgat

April 06, 2006
Halit Yozgat

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Hamza Kurtović

February 19, 2020
Hamza Kurtović

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Hans-Joachim Sbrzesny

August 01, 2008
Hans-Joachim Sbrzesny

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Hans-Peter Zarse

March 12, 1993
Hans-Peter Zarse

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Hans-Werner Gartner

October 08, 1999
Hans-Werner Gartner

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Hartmut Balzke

January 25, 2003
Hartmut Balzke

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Hartmut Nickel

October 07, 2003
Hartmut Nickel

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Helmut Leja

June 04, 1991
Helmut Leja

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Helmut Sackers

May 29, 2000
Helmut Sackers

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Host Zillenbiller

November 01, 1999
Host Zillenbiller

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Hülya Genç

May 29, 1992
Hülya Genç

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Hüseyin Dayıcık

July 22, 2016
Hüseyin Dayıcık

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Ingo Binsch

November 05, 2001
Ingo Binsch

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Ingo Finnern

March 19, 1992
Ingo Finnern

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Ingo Ludwig

January 05, 1992
Ingo Ludwig

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Ireneusz Szyderski

August 03, 1992
Ireneusz Szyderski

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İsmail Yaşar

June 09, 2005
İsmail Yaşar

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Jana G.

March 26, 1998
Jana G.

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Jana Lange

October 09, 2019
Jana Lange

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Janos Roberto Rafael

July 22, 2016
Janos Roberto Rafael

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Jeff Dominiak

May 26, 1993
Jeff Dominiak

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Jörg Danek

December 29, 1999
Jörg Danek

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Jorge João Gomondai

April 06, 1991
Jorge João Gomondai

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Jürgen Seifert

July 09, 2000
Jürgen Seifert

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Kajrat Batesov

May 04, 2002
Kajrat Batesov

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Kaloyan Velkov

February 19, 2020
Kaloyan Velkov

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Kamal Kilade

October 24, 2010
Kamal Kilade

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Karl-Hans Rohn

November 13, 1992
Karl-Hans Rohn

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Karl-Heinz L.

September 10, 2012
Karl-Heinz L.

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Karl-Heinz Lietz

November 01, 1999
Karl-Heinz Lietz

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Karl-Heinz Teichmann

July 23, 2008
Karl-Heinz Teichmann

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Karl Sidon

January 18, 1993
Karl Sidon

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Klaus-Dieter Harms

August 09, 2001
Klaus-Dieter Harms

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Kevin Schwarze

October 09, 2019
Kevin Schwarze

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Klaus-Dieter Gerecke

June 24, 2000
Klaus-Dieter Gerecke

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Klaus-Peter Kühn

June 17, 2012
Klaus-Peter Kühn

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Konstantin Moljanov

July 23, 2013
Konstantin Moljanov

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Kurt Schneider

October 06, 1999
Kurt Schneider

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Lothar Fischer

January 06, 1990
Lothar Fischer

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July 14, 2007

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Mahmud Azhar

March 06, 1990
Mahmud Azhar

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Malte Lerch

September 12, 2000
Malte Lerch

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Marcel Wisser

August 24, 2008
Marcel Wisser

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Marinus Schöberl

July 12, 2002
Marinus Schöberl

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Mario Jödecke

January 24, 1993
Mario Jödecke

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Martin Görges

January 30, 2004
Martin Görges

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Marwa el-Sherbini

July 01, 2009
Marwa el-Sherbini

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Matthias Knabe

March 04, 1992
Matthias Knabe

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Matthias Larisch-von-Woitowitz

July 14, 2000
Matthias Larisch-von-Woitowitz

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Matthias Lüders

April 26, 1993
Matthias Lüders

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Mechthild Bucksteeg

October 07, 2003
Mechthild Bucksteeg

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Mehmet Kubaşık

April 04, 2006
Mehmet Kubaşık

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Mehmet Turgut

February 25, 2004
Mehmet Turgut

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Mercedes Kierpacz

February 19, 2020
Mercedes Kierpacz

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Mete Ekşi

November 13, 1991
Mete Ekşi

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Michèle Kiesewetter

April 25, 2007
Michèle Kiesewetter

Michèle Kiesewetter was killed by a targeted headshot while taking a break in her patrol car on April 25, 2007.

Mike Zerna

February 05, 1993
Mike Zerna

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Mohammed Belhadj

April 22, 2001
Mohammed Belhadj

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Mustafa Demiral

March 09, 1993
Mustafa Demiral

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Nesar Hashemi

February 19, 2020
Nesar Hashemi

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Nguyễn Văn Tú

April 24, 1992
Nguyễn Văn Tú

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Nihad Yusufoğlu

December 28, 1990
Nihad Yusufoğlu

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Norberth Plath

July 27, 2000
Norberth Plath

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Nuno Lourenço

July 04, 1998
Nuno Lourenço

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Oleg Valgar

January 20, 2004
Oleg Valgar

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Patrick Thürmer

October 03, 1999
Patrick Thürmer

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Peter Deutschmann

October 08, 1999
Peter Deutschmann

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Peter Siebert

April 26, 2008
Peter Siebert

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Philip W.

April 17, 2018
Philip W.

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Rick Langenstein

August 16, 2008
Rick Langenstein

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Rolf Baginski

November 28, 1991
Rolf Baginski

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Rolf Schulze

November 07, 1992
Rolf Schulze

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Ruth K.

March 01, 2017
Ruth K.

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Ruth Zillenbiller

November 01, 1999
Ruth Zillenbiller

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Sabina Sulaj

July 22, 2016
Sabina Sulaj

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Sadri Berisha

June 08, 1992
Sadri Berisha

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Şahin Çalışır

December 27, 1992
Şahin Çalışır

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Samuel Kofi Yeboah

September 19, 1991
Samuel Kofi Yeboah

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Sedat Gürbüz

February 19, 2020
Sedat Gürbüz

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Selçuk Kiliç

July 22, 2016
Selçuk Kiliç

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Sevda Dağ

July 22, 2016
Sevda Dağ

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Silvio Meier

November 21, 1992
Silvio Meier

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Süleyman Taşköprü

July 27, 2001
Süleyman Taşköprü

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Test Person

May 18, 2010
Test Person

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Theodoros Boulgarides

June 15, 2005
Theodoros Boulgarides

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Thomas Goretzky

July 14, 2000
Thomas Goretzky

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Thomas K.

October 04, 2003
Thomas K.

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Thomas Schulz

March 28, 2005
Thomas Schulz

Thomas Schulz was stabbed to death by the neo-Nazi Sven K. on March 28, 2005.

Thorsten Lamprecht

May 11, 1992
Thorsten Lamprecht

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Tim Maier

November 26, 2005
Tim Maier

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Timo Kählke

December 12, 1991
Timo Kählke

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Viktor Filimonov

November 19, 2003
Viktor Filimonov

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Vili Viorel Păun

February 19, 2020
Vili Viorel Păun

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Waldemar Ickert

November 19, 2003
Waldemar Ickert

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Walter Lübcke

June 02, 2019
Walter Lübcke

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Waltraud Scheffler

October 24, 1992
Waltraud Scheffler

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Willi Worg

March 25, 2001
Willi Worg

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William Tonou-Mbobda

April 26, 2019
William Tonou-Mbobda

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Wolfgang Auch

September 22, 1991
Wolfgang Auch

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Yeliz Arslan

November 23, 1992
Yeliz Arslan

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Yvonne Hachtkemper

July 14, 2000
Yvonne Hachtkemper

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