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Thomas Schulz

The victim

Thomas Schulz was a family man, his friends called him "Schmuddel" .

The crime

Thomas Schulz was on Easter Monday 2005 with friends with the subway to Kampstraße to visit several concerts in the pub "Hirsch-Q". At the subway station Kampstraße they met the then 17-year-old neo-Nazi Sven K. Sven K. belonged to the right-wing radical "Skinheadfront Dorstfeld" at that time.[^1] On the escalators of the subway station it came to a verbal argument. While Thomas Schulz's friends went on to the "Hirsch-Q" bar, Thomas Schulz made his way home. On the platform he met Sven K. again and wanted to confront him. However, Sven K. suddenly pulled out a knife and stabbed Thomas Schulz. The latter succumbed to his injuries in hospital that same evening. Sven K. was caught by the police after an unsuccessful escape on foot.

The trial

During the trial, senior public prosecutor Dr. Ina Holznagel initially did not rule out a politically motivated act, but later declared that it was "legally a murder by malice aforethought". In the end, however, he was convicted only of manslaughter, because according to the judge, the act was spontaneous and without insidiousness."[^2]

[^1] https://www.nordstadtblogger.de/rechtsextremismus-kostete-fuenf-menschen-in-dortmund-das-leben-gedenken-an-den-15-todestag-von-thomas-schulz/
[^2] https://www.wr.de/staedte/dortmund/der-fall-thomas-schulz-id10509338.html

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